What I admired most about Mom

What I admired most about Mom

The thing I admired most about Mom was her energy level. She never stopped moving. Even if she would sit with the family to watch TV together, she was crocheting or writing letters. She hand wrote letters to over 100 pen pals some since she was 16 years old. When she died, there was a closet full of letters that she had kept from pen pals from all those years of writing. 

She was the most organized person I've ever known. She had everything in order and labeled and could tell me exactly where to find it in the house and the label was on the box or container. She had a lot of stuff and it always amazed me how she could remember where it all was. 

She was very creative and did amazing things with just pile of junk. I remember one time we were driving along and she all of a sudden wanted Dad to stop the car. She jumped out of the car and start gathering up weeds long side of the road. Apparently Dad had this happen before because his expression wasn't one of surprise as he patiently waited for her. She took those weeds home, dried them, spray painted them, and turned them into a beautiful table center piece.

Mom was definitely a good example of how to take care of a family. As I look back on some of those times, I know there were times of hardship but those worries never got passed down to my sister and I. I suspect there was a money reason we had pancakes a lot for dinner during those early years of life. So, today I love pancakes for dinner.


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