Memories of my Mother

My memories of Mom start at an early age. I'm guessing about three or four years old. I can remember her planting and caring for a garden up by the barn on the first farm that Mom and Dad owned. As I look back on Mom's influence in my life, I come to understand that she was very supportive in what I wanted to do. She knew I had a strong draw to live on the farm so, she and Dad let me live with my Uncle Donnie for three months during school summer vacation for several years until we moved back to the farm from the city. During my Highschool years she attended every football game and every track meet that was in the city. She would make a steak dinner before every football game for me to eat. Turns out that's really not the thing to eat before strenuous activities. Carbohydrates are what's needed not protein. It didn't seem to slow me down much. I remember she got teased a lot about her cooking but I loved her apple pies and have not found any that quite compares with hers. She really was a great cook but she had a habit of getting distracted and leaving the kitchen. Her specialty was divinity that melted in your mouth but she only made it once a year at Christmas time. She always had a listening ear and advice. Her energy level was phenomenal


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