Advice from Mom

Reflecting on the advice I received from Mom, I realize it wasn't so much direct advice as it was her attentive presence. She possessed an innate ability to listen, a trait I believe I've inherited. This gift has been invaluable throughout my life's journey, allowing me to understand others deeply and navigate challenges with empathy. Mom's wisdom manifested more in her actions than her words. Growing up in rural settings, she had a wealth of knowledge on survival and country living. Looking back, I wish I had absorbed more of those lessons, passed down from her parents. Mom's quiet strength and practical wisdom continue to shape my approach to life, reminding me of the importance of listening, observing, and learning from those who came before us.

She had a lot of wisdom on how to organize and accomplish things. I wish I had tapped into that as well. Her methods were a little different but it all made sense to her. If she started a project, she would bring it to completion, unlike me. I love to start things but struggle to finished them.

I can see a lot of my mother's influence in my children as they traveled their journey through life. It may not be exactly the same but her traits and life philosophy live on in their lives.

Overall, I was indeed blessed with a great mother.


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