What family habits or traditions come from your mother's side?

I think family traditions mostly came from my Mom's side of the family. Some of our family traditions were made by Mom and Dad for our family. I think most of the Christmas and Easter traditions were Mom's ideas. Mom was the communicator of the family and stayed in touch with all the family members mostly on her side of the family. I did stay connected with my Dad's siblings but now that they are gone I have no connection with the next generations. Dad's side of the family were not communicators and only got in touch when something happened in the family like weddings or funerals. Mom's side on the other hand had huge reunions that would fill a small town park. They got together every year with a potluck meal. Sadly that generation has mostly all died off and only a handful of the next generation still get together on a regular basis. From my generation on Mom's side of the family has spawned a small group of cousins that get together regularly to play cards and fellowship with food and conversation. On occasion the whole 13 cousins will try to gather together. 

One tradition that I remember was the Thanksgiving dinner. Dad had an army buddy that lived near our home town and eventually lived in the second house on the farm. Each year for as long as I can remember our families alternated hosting a Thanksgiving dinner. 

One year at Thanksgiving I remember Mom and Dad playing cards and leaving me to entertain myself. I had a way to getting into the strangest situations when left to my own imagination. For some reason one of the wooden chairs had a hole in it that was just big enough to squeeze my hand through. I reached through the hole to pick something up off the floor and couldn't get my hand out. It took Dad a few minutes to realize I was holding something in my hand and told me to let it go. And then out came my hand. 


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